We hope you are well.
We are unsure as to whether you have received our emails over the past couple of weeks regarding Kiss Business Ltd being placed forward as a potential nominee by SME News within our Southern Enterprise Awards 2022.
As a nominee, you are formally invited to join the shortlist for 2022, therefore, if you would like to take part, please kindly confirm by selecting:
If you’d rather not be considered, please select:
Our merit driven judging process has been established to reward parties for their performance, customer experience and innovation!
SME News is proud to conduct awards that do not operate on a ‘pay-to-play’ basis; therefore, we offer a complimentary package as well as a variety of paid additional benefits for our awardees, but these are completely optional and merely supplementary to an award rather than essential.
Further information regarding the Southern Enterprise Awards 2022, including some common FAQ's, and the process involved in researching, assessing, and determining awardees can be found on the SME News website HERE
Please also get in touch via email if you have any questions!
Kind regards,
The Awards Team | SME News
Available: Office hours Monday through Friday 9am – 5:30pm GMT |
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This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of furnessvale.nbalton102@blogger.com. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.