Hello furnessvale.nbalton102
Please Examine The Proposal At Hand.
This Represents Generated Electronically Receipt.
Thank You.
MS e-Dispatch Team 2025.
Hello furnessvale.nbalton102
Please Examine The Proposal At Hand.
This Represents Generated Electronically Receipt.
Thank You.
MS e-Dispatch Team 2025.
Dear furnessvale.nbalton102,
We would like to invite you to submit a price quotation against our Request for Quotation (RFQ). You may view and respond to the RFQ by clicking the link below.
This RFQ is open till 25th Jan 2025 - 11:59 pm. Kindly provide us with your best offer in line with the terms and conditions specified before this expiry time.
If you have any questions or require clarification, please feel free to contact us by replying to this email.
Thank you and kind regards,
Waqas Qadir,
Commercial Officer
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