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Monday, March 10, 2025

El precio del gas natural se desploma un 40% y baja la luz en España

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Soy Lina Martin, redactora de Papernest, y editora de la sección del blog que se ocupa del apartado de información y temas relacionados con energía, nuevas tendencias y sostenibilidad.

Creemos que podría interesarte sobre la caída del precio del gas natural en Europa en un 40% en el último mes. Hemos preparado un artículo explicando cómo ha impactado en los precios de la luz en España  y pensamos que podría ser útil tanto para ti como para tus lectores.

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El precio del gas natural se desploma un 40% y baja la luz en España

En las últimas semanas, el precio del gas natural en Europa ha registrado una caída del 40%, marcando uno de los descensos más pronunciados en meses. Esta bajada responde a una combinación de factores, como el almacenamiento elevado, la llegada de temperaturas más suaves y un aumento en las importaciones de gas natural licuado (GNL).

El desplome del gas tiene implicaciones directas para el mercado eléctrico, ya que en países como España, los ciclos combinados son clave en la generación de electricidad. Esto se traduce en una reducción en el precio de la luz, una buena noticia para consumidores y empresas. Sin embargo, persisten dudas sobre cuánto durará esta tendencia y qué factores pueden volver a presionar los precios al alza.

¿Por qué ha bajado tanto el precio del gas?

El descenso del gas natural en Europa está impulsado por varios elementos clave:

  • Almacenamiento elevado: Europa ha gestionado bien sus reservas, alcanzando niveles superiores al 90% en muchos países, lo que reduce la urgencia de nuevas compras.

  • Inviernos más templados: A diferencia de años anteriores, las temperaturas han sido más suaves, lo que ha disminuido la demanda de calefacción y, en consecuencia, el consumo de gas.

  • Mayor importación de GNL: Con la diversificación de proveedores, Europa ha incrementado la llegada de gas licuado desde EE.UU. y otros mercados, asegurando el suministro y moderando los precios.

  • Menor tensión geopolítica: Aunque persisten conflictos globales, la estabilidad relativa en el suministro ha reducido la volatilidad en los mercados energéticos.

Todos estos factores han influido en una caída significativa del gas en el mercado mayorista, impactando directamente en las tarifas de luz.

¿Cómo afecta esta caída al precio de la luz?

El vínculo entre gas y electricidad en Europa es muy estrecho, ya que las centrales de ciclo combinado dependen del gas para producir energía. Cuando el gas es caro, los costes de generación suben, lo que encarece el precio kWh. Con la caída actual, se espera que las facturas eléctricas reflejen una bajada en los próximos meses.

En España, donde muchas comercializadoras siguen el mercado mayorista, el impacto se notará especialmente en los contratos indexados, donde los consumidores pagan la electricidad según el precio del mercado. Esto representa una oportunidad para quienes buscan ahorrar en luz, ya que una bajada sostenida del gas podría traducirse en precios eléctricos más competitivos.

Por otro lado, es un buen momento para evaluar las diferentes tarifas de luz disponibles en el mercado, comparando opciones entre precios fijos e indexados para optimizar el gasto energético.

Perspectivas a futuro: ¿seguirán bajando los precios?

Aunque la caída del gas es una excelente noticia para los consumidores, existen incertidumbres sobre cuánto tiempo durará esta tendencia. Algunos factores que podrían afectar los precios en los próximos meses incluyen:

  • Condiciones climáticas extremas: Si el invierno se vuelve más frío de lo esperado, la demanda de gas podría dispararse.

  • Reducción de exportaciones de GNL: Problemas en la oferta global, como interrupciones en la producción de EE.UU. o Qatar, podrían volver a tensionar los mercados.

  • Conflictos geopolíticos: Cualquier interrupción en el suministro de gas ruso o nuevos conflictos en zonas clave podrían impactar los precios.

Dado este escenario, es recomendable que los consumidores mantengan una estrategia enfocada en la eficiencia energética, reduciendo el consumo innecesario y optimizando el uso de la electricidad para mitigar posibles subidas futuras.

La caída del precio del gas natural en un 40% supone un alivio para las economías domésticas y empresariales, con una reducción esperada en el precio de la luz. No obstante, la volatilidad del mercado energético exige seguir de cerca su evolución, ya que factores externos pueden modificar rápidamente esta tendencia.

Para los consumidores, aprovechar este momento para ahorrar en luz, optimizar sus contratos eléctricos y mejorar su eficiencia energética puede marcar la diferencia en sus facturas a largo plazo.


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Lina Martin

Content Manager

Marketing | Papernest

C/ Ramón Turró, 200, 08005, Barcelona, España

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Friday, March 07, 2025

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New Order No. PO_ASE202503223

, Stage is set for a showdown between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers and federal government as the talks between the PTI and federal government broke down on Friday. The negotiations between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Shehbaz Sharif-led government also reached a deadlock over PTI’s November 24 protest and associated demands. According to reports, the deadlock reportedly emerged after initially progressing positively. Sources indicate that disagreements arise from constant heated remarks and unacceptable demands raised during the discussions. Despite the current stalemate, efforts to resolve the deadlock are ongoing. Sources further revealed that failure to break the deadlock may result in strict measures against PTI leadership, including potential arrests of senior party members and confrontation with police commandos. Islamabad-bound all bus service from Quetta have also been shutdown, hence making it almost impossible for commuters to travel to the federal capital. Moreover, all roads connecting Islamabad and Rawalpindi have also been sealed. “The decision to hold a protest on November 24 is confirmed,” said former PTI MNA Aliya Hamza Malik, who is on bail currently. Talking to the media in the Federal Capital, Naqvi said the Islamabad High Court, in its orders, has very clearly stated that there is no permission to hold a gathering, rally, march, or sit-in. Mohsin Naqvi said the government is duty-bound to implement the orders of the Islamabad High Court in letter and spirit. Responding to a question, the Interior Minister said no application seeking permission for the protest demonstration on Sunday has so far been received. He said action will be taken against the violators of the law and Section 144. As per details, the plan includes the closure of multiple entry and exit points to the Red Zone as it has been sealed on the day of protest. The administration stated that Murree road route to Islamabad has been closed, and containers have been placed at T-chowk, Faizabad, 26 number Chungi. Srinagar Highway closed for entry to Islamabad, whereas sector I-8, IJP Double Road, Margalla Road and Golra Morh flyover and underpass have also been closed.

Tight security measures have been put in place across Islamabad’s sensitive points, with law enforcement agencies conducting security checks on travelers. By implementing this comprehensive traffic plan, the Islamabad administration aims to minimize disruptions and ensure public safety during the PTI protest. Punjab imposes Section 144, bans protests and rallies for three days. Authorities have stated that the ban is being implemented in light of potential unrest and public gatherings during this period. The move comes as a precautionary measure to prevent disturbances and ensure the safety of citizens and property.


Kindly refer attached PO_ASE202503223 for your perusal and further action. 

Could you provide us with your best price and earliest delivery time
in order to prepare your payment 

accordingly if all the indicated on this PO will be met partially/fully. 



Thanks and Best Regards.  

Brian Lee


Executive Purchasing / Procurement Facilitator

ASIA & Middle East Coastal Division

Group Project Delivery Q1 (GPD 2025)

Project Research Delivery & Technology (PRD&T)

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Wednesday, March 05, 2025

New Order PO_AE20250333

, Stage is set for a showdown between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers and federal government as the talks between the PTI and federal government broke down on Friday. The negotiations between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Shehbaz Sharif-led government also reached a deadlock over PTI’s November 24 protest and associated demands. According to reports, the deadlock reportedly emerged after initially progressing positively. Sources indicate that disagreements arise from constant heated remarks and unacceptable demands raised during the discussions. Despite the current stalemate, efforts to resolve the deadlock are ongoing. Sources further revealed that failure to break the deadlock may result in strict measures against PTI leadership, including potential arrests of senior party members and confrontation with police commandos. Islamabad-bound all bus service from Quetta have also been shutdown, hence making it almost impossible for commuters to travel to the federal capital. Moreover, all roads connecting Islamabad and Rawalpindi have also been sealed. “The decision to hold a protest on November 24 is confirmed,” said former PTI MNA Aliya Hamza Malik, who is on bail currently. Talking to the media in the Federal Capital, Naqvi said the Islamabad High Court, in its orders, has very clearly stated that there is no permission to hold a gathering, rally, march, or sit-in. Mohsin Naqvi said the government is duty-bound to implement the orders of the Islamabad High Court in letter and spirit. Responding to a question, the Interior Minister said no application seeking permission for the protest demonstration on Sunday has so far been received. He said action will be taken against the violators of the law and Section 144. As per details, the plan includes the closure of multiple entry and exit points to the Red Zone as it has been sealed on the day of protest. The administration stated that Murree road route to Islamabad has been closed, and containers have been placed at T-chowk, Faizabad, 26 number Chungi. Srinagar Highway closed for entry to Islamabad, whereas sector I-8, IJP Double Road, Margalla Road and Golra Morh flyover and underpass have also been closed.

Tight security measures have been put in place across Islamabad’s sensitive points, with law enforcement agencies conducting security checks on travelers. By implementing this comprehensive traffic plan, the Islamabad administration aims to minimize disruptions and ensure public safety during the PTI protest. Punjab imposes Section 144, bans protests and rallies for three days. Authorities have stated that the ban is being implemented in light of potential unrest and public gatherings during this period. The move comes as a precautionary measure to prevent disturbances and ensure the safety of citizens and property.


Kindly refer attached PO_AE20250333 for your perusal and immediate action. 

Could you provide us with your best price and earliest delivery time in order to prepare your payment accordingly if the indicated on this PO can be delivered soon.



Thanks and Best Regards.  

Ms Sandy Lee


Executive Procurement / Finance Facilitator

ASIA & Middle East Coastal Division

2025 Group Project Delivery (Q1 GPD)

Project Research Delivery & Technology (PRD&T)

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Contact this client in Leicester, City of Leicester for free | How Bark works

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Hello again,

I have another client in Leicester, City of Leicester who came to Bark to find a Marquee Hire Company (not relevant to your services?} . .
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Duri, Leicester, City of Leicester
  • What type of event is it?
    Adult birthday party
  • Approximately how many guests is this for?
    10 - 19 guests
  • Which date do you need the Marquee hire to start on?
    Monday March 31st, 2025
  • Do guests need to be seated?
    No - guests will not need to be seated
  • Which type(s) of marquee would you consider?
    Traditional pole marquees - canvas or PVC
  • Which other marquee services do you need?
  • How long do you need the marquee for?
    Multiple Days
  • What time do you need the marquee from?
    11: 00am till next day
  • How likely are you to make a hiring decision?
    I'm planning and researching

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Lucy Thompson
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